FREEDOM III: Right to put down passengers, mail, and cargo taken on in the territory of the country whose nationality the aircraft possesses. 第三航权:(卸载权)装载自航空器国籍领域内之乘客、邮件、及货物卸下之权利。
The transfer, cancellation, invalidity, termination of patent right and the information such as change of patentee's name, nationality or address etc. is recorded in the Patent Registration. 专利权的转让、撤销、无效、终止和专利权人的姓名、国籍、地址变更等事项记载在专利登记薄上。
According to the records of the historical data and ancient codes, mortgage right existed even ages ago and has a long history in China. Appearing the National Origin and National Name of he Sibo Nationality from the Successive Dynasties Ancient Books 根据有关史料和典籍记载,典权在我国早已存在,历史非常之悠久。历代古籍中透析出的锡伯族族源、族称
Anyone who has right of residence in china, holding formal passport in the region of the nationality place, and have a fixing occupation and stability income in the our country all can apply for. 在中国境内有居留权,持有国籍所在地区正式护照,并在我国境内有固定职业和稳定收入的外国人均可申领。
The nature of the political relationship between the central and the autonomous minority areas is equality right of nationality, because it is the center of the governance of nationality's politics relationship that realize equality of every nationality. 实现民族平等是中央与民族自治地方政治关系治理的重心,因此,中央与民族自治地方政治关系的本质是民族平等权。
Equal national right and interest is realized in national political process, in view of a small-and-weak nationality this process is gaining national equality and constituting harmonious existence circumstances, in view of a minority-and-coexist one, this is constituting united-and-equal national connections. 民族平等权益正是在民族的政治过程中得到实现的。对某一个具体民族来讲,争取民族平等,构建和谐的生存环境的过程就是该民族政治生活的过程。
Uphold Nationality Region Autonomy, Ensure the Right of Nationality Equality 坚持民族区域自治保障民族平等权利
Ensure and Realize the Right of Accepting Education of the Minority& Setting an Example of Western Autonomous Minority Nationality Area 我国少数民族受教育权的保障与实现&以西部民族自治地区为例
The third part uses the experience of educational anthropology for reference, from the angle of enhancing endogenous change and exogenous change, tries to find a right countermeasure to solve the difficulties in the process of reaching compulsory education in the western nationality areas. 第三部分借鉴教育人类学的观点,从增强外源性变迁和强化内源性变迁的角度,提出了推进西部民族地区普及义务教育的一系列有较强针对性的对策。
Respecting and protecting the right to adequate housing is the responsibility and the duty of the nationality. 尊重、保护、实现公民的住宅权,是国家义不容辞的责任与义务。建立健全住房保障体系正是国家履行其义务的重要举措。